Ecology, Biogeography & Conservation Article |
Adcham Chamaeleoninae Conservation |
by Josh Mease
This Page is Under Construction
- Introduction to the factors that currently threaten chameleons
- Habitat destruction
- Due to population growth
- Due to agricultural practices
- The pet trade
- Inappropriate collection methods
- Inappropriate storage/care by collectors & exporters
- Inappropriate storage/care by importers
- Over harvesting - Export/Import statistics reflected by the USFWS Lemmis database for the US & Europe
- Introduction to imposed solutions to the threatening factors chameleons face & their benefits
- Habitat destruction
- Overall Conservation Strategies
- Outline of current regulated & protected areas
- Proposal for future regulated & protected areas
- Legislative outline & recommendations for protection of local habitats
- Education & involvement of the local people
- The pet trade
- Farm breeding facilities in the countries of origin
- Outline for proper guidelines of such facilities
- Outline for proper documentation of such facilities (reproduction cycles, offspring produced, success & failures)
- Outline recommendations for proper funding & sustainability
- Proper Education of CITES Management Authorities so they can differentiate between captive bred & wild caught
- Recommendations for involvement with CITES and such facilities
- Farm breeding facilities outside the countries of origin
- Outline for proper guidelines of such facilities
- Outline for proper documentation of such facilities (reproduction cycles, offspring produced, success & failures)
- Outline recommendations for proper funding & sustainability
- Pilot breeding programs (small scale)
- These facilities should follow guidelines set by the aforementioned facilities
- Projected look outline for the most critically threatened Genera/species
- Genera/species that should be targeted for immediate breeding & Conservation Projects
- Genera/species that should be targeted for semi immediate breeding & Conservation Projects
- Genera/species that should be targeted for future breeding & Conservation Projects
- Extensive conclusion detailing the problems that chameleons face & what can be done to help on all levels of participation
This page last updated on: Sunday, April 7, 2002
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